Sunday, February 19, 2012

Destination “Home”

If I point the right direction
Would you take me where I want to go
Would you be my gps, my northern star
Would you go with me, no matter how far
If I’m aimed the right direction
Could we head for the unknown
Could we not look back, have no regrets
Forgive, forget, and love again 
If we’re headed the same direction
Could we start where we left off
Could we make it there together
Could I do more than tag-a-long 
If we’re going the same direction
Can we do it holding hands
Could we do it as the best of friends
Or more, would you ever consider that
If we’re aimed the same direction
Would you let me light your way
Help you if you stumble
And carry half the weight
If we’re going the same direction
We don’t have to go alone
We can have each other
As we travel that long road home
We share a destination
And two are better than one
As I anticipate your answer
I will prepare and wait alone

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