Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Truth

The Truth12.11.11

The truth,
I don’t think you can handle it
The truth,
When we’d be snuggled on the couch, me in my favorite spot,
I'd catch your gaze and you would ask,
What are you thinking?
I’d reply
I’m just happy to be here with you tonight
The truth, that was only part of it,
The truth is, I was falling in love with you, but thought it was too soon for you, I didn’t think you could handle the truth.

The truth,
I don’t think you can handle it
The truth,
Weeks later, laying in bed, my head on your arm and hand on your chest
You would feel me sigh and again you'd ask,
What’s on your mind?
I’d reply
I’m just happy to be snuggled up to you so tight
The truth, that was only part of it.
The truth is I had fallen in love with you, but thought it was too soon for you, I didn’t think you could handle the truth.

The truth,
I don’t think you can handle it
The truth,
Time and again, on the couch, in the kitchen, hiking, walking, or laying in bed
Sometimes you'd pat my head and time and again you asked
Are you okay, what’s on your mind?
I’d reply, I’m just happy to have you in my life
The truth, that was only part of it,
The truth is I loved you so much that when the thought of losing you crossed my mind it took my breath, like a kick to the gut it hurt, but I thought it was too soon for you, I didn’t think you could handle the truth.

The truth,
I don’t think you can handle it
The truth
Did you really want to know,
What was my mind?
Here’s my honest reply,
I’ve never loved anyone like I love you, I’d go to the ends of the earth to show you proof, but I’m not sure that matters to you.
The truth I wonder, would it have cut our time shorter, or would you have said you loved me too? Was it all a lie, did I imagine the joy in your eyes, why would you let me assume, or did you think that I couldn't handle the truth?

The truth,
I don’t think you can handle it
The truth,
Did you really want to know,
What is still on my mind?
Here’s my question for you,
Would it have made a difference, would we still be together, what would you have said, if I told you the absolute truth, that I was head over heels, hook, line, and sinker, totally, completely in love with you?
I wonder if you’ll ever be honest, or if I’ll spend my life wondering if I’ll ever know the truth.

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