Wednesday, January 4, 2012

An End To This Tunnel

There has to be an end to this tunnel,
I seem to be stuck in a funnel,
and it's sucking me down, down,
like a toilet I feel flushed,
sh*t on, used up, and emotionally bruised,
I try and I try to make my life new,
searching the path, asking God, what to do?
There has to be a silver lining,
to this cloud made up of my tears,
there has to be an end to this tunnel,
a light to eliminate this fear,
something to keep me from sinking,
where is this future leading?
To what am I standing on the brink of?
there has to be hope, of that I am promised,
but waiting is hard, for work and for love,
waiting for what lies ahead,
waiting to see what is there for me
when the end of this tunnel I reach.

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