Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Without You

Christmas Without You
this is NOT how it's suppose to be.
Christmas this year
should have included you with me.
We should have hung the wreath
and together lit the tree.
Hanging up the mistletoe
just so you can kiss me.
Gone to all the pageants
making buckeyes and cookies.
Fireplace and stockings
hot chocolate and Reeses.
You playing your guitar
and singing carols Christmas Eve.
Your parents should have been here
to share this big turkey.
Christmas movies, black and white
with old blue eyes and Gene Autrey,
and my favorite Christmas song
the one by Bing Crosby.
But this year's more like Elvis
because without you I am blue.
Friends and family surround me
but still I am so lonely.
I can not let them see my tears
so I work to force a smile.
Yet I can not help but cry inside
as I spend Christmas here without you.

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