Sunday, January 8, 2012

I Said Goodbye To Hate Today

I walked nimbly up his stairs
took a breath and knocked softly on his door
just three times and he opened it
his head hung low upon his frame
it was hate that loomed at me in shame
bitterness foamed around his mouth
the vapid froth of a rabid dog
it lashed out and bit me
and opened up his wound again
but I'm imune to his viral infection
Grace inoculated me with Mercy
so I looked right back in the face of hate
who refused eye contact with me to make
the burden of his guilt,
such heavy chains for him to bare
and he whispered with a cowards voice
you're no longer wanted here,
so just go and stay away
so I said goodbye to hate today
placed my burden in a borrowed grave
I turned to leave and walk away
only one thing left for me to take
my sorrow heavy, but mine to claim
so I left forgiveness in it's place
it rained upon my tear stained face
it cleansed and turned my guilt to grace
I said goodbye to hate today
and left forgiveness in it's place

1 comment:

  1. Lines keep coming to me so I know it will be revised before the final rendition goes to print. One thing I'm considering right now which will effect retail price is if I want a full color book and of so matching up images with the rest of everything I have written.
