Sunday, January 8, 2012

I Said Goodbye To Hate Today

I walked nimbly up his stairs
took a breath and knocked softly on his door
just three times and he opened it
his head hung low upon his frame
it was hate that loomed at me in shame
bitterness foamed around his mouth
the vapid froth of a rabid dog
it lashed out and bit me
and opened up his wound again
but I'm imune to his viral infection
Grace inoculated me with Mercy
so I looked right back in the face of hate
who refused eye contact with me to make
the burden of his guilt,
such heavy chains for him to bare
and he whispered with a cowards voice
you're no longer wanted here,
so just go and stay away
so I said goodbye to hate today
placed my burden in a borrowed grave
I turned to leave and walk away
only one thing left for me to take
my sorrow heavy, but mine to claim
so I left forgiveness in it's place
it rained upon my tear stained face
it cleansed and turned my guilt to grace
I said goodbye to hate today
and left forgiveness in it's place

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

An End To This Tunnel

There has to be an end to this tunnel,
I seem to be stuck in a funnel,
and it's sucking me down, down,
like a toilet I feel flushed,
sh*t on, used up, and emotionally bruised,
I try and I try to make my life new,
searching the path, asking God, what to do?
There has to be a silver lining,
to this cloud made up of my tears,
there has to be an end to this tunnel,
a light to eliminate this fear,
something to keep me from sinking,
where is this future leading?
To what am I standing on the brink of?
there has to be hope, of that I am promised,
but waiting is hard, for work and for love,
waiting for what lies ahead,
waiting to see what is there for me
when the end of this tunnel I reach.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Spirit of CHRISTmas.

This received a pretty popular response on my Facebook page so I thought I would share it here as well.
   It's not the Spirit of Christmas... it's the spirit of CHRIST... the Holy Spirit, why even as Christians so many of us only show grace, mercy, and love to each other during these few weeks a year and some not even now. Then we wonder when we treat each other, our brothers and sisters in Christ as we do why others (non believers) have so much trouble believing in the unconditional love of Jesus Christ??   
   Is it any wonder that they look at us and it is unfathomable that a baby was born for the sole purpose to live so He could later bear our sins on the cross and sacrifice Himself in such a humiliating and miserable way to grant us the assurance of a beautiful eternity.
    We who wear the name of "Christian" are what they associate with the person of Jesus Christ. When you look at yourself do you see Jesus, are you looking at yourself through rose colored glasses or with xray vision? If you don't see a clear beautiful of Christ when you look at your own heart what can you imagine others see when they look at you?
    You know what amazes me, as Christians how we treat one another and how we avoid one another at whatever expense or means possible when we get our feelings hurt when God would want us to forgive and show mercy to one another.
    Also think of it this way... if you have a problem with a brother or sister in Christ, your ability to avoid them is only temporary, do you not think when we get to Heaven God is going to set us straight and assign us to the same project of building another saints mansion together... imagine that... even if that isn't the case there will be no grudges or resentment in Heaven, we won't be able to avoid one another there, and holding on to that hatred and bitterness might just be what keeps us from being allowed through the gates. After all did God not tell us He can not forgive us for what we will not forgive another.
    Just a thought that's been on my mind and heart the last few weeks as the birthday of Jesus Christ approaches. I hope that my fellow believers will take this thought to heart and carry it through ALL of 2012 not just Christmas and Easter.
I love you all, peace and goodwill toward all.